Smart-ID is developed by SK ID Solutions, a certified European Trust Service Provider.
Who we are
At SK ID Solutions, we specialize in providing secure and efficient e-identity and digital signing solutions to help businesses streamline their operations and build trust with their customers. Our commitment lies in offering trusted services and certified technology that help private and public organizations expand their reach into new markets and connect with millions of new customers.
As a Qualified Trust Service Provider, our services align with the highest international regulations, reaffirming our strong commitment to security and compliance.
The Common Criteria certification equips Smart-ID with Qualified Electronic Signature Creation Device (QSCD) capabilities. With this certification, electronic signatures generated through Smart-ID are legally recognized and binding across all EU countries.

How Smart-ID works
Smart-ID holds user identity data that comes from a trusted source. Users have full control of their personal data and decide with whom they want to share it. Smart-ID account holders can use this data to prove their identity in online services as well as sign electronic documents, creating mutual trust between customers and e-service providers.
Our technology demonstrates that the management of digital identity can be secure, efficient, reliable, and respectful of privacy.
Where to use it
Document Electronic Signing
With Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES). Various document formats are supported, including PDF, ASICE, eDOC, aDOC, and others.
Online Authentication
Secure login into e-services with no need for passwords.
Registering an Account
For user onboarding processes in e-services, it offers an easy and fast way to verify user identity without additional proof.
Providing Consent
Mostly used for financial institutions to confirm payment transactions or online bookings for appointments.
Age Verification
For e-services with age restrictions.
Leading the way for cross-border identity
Smart-ID is designed with a focus on cross-border identity, facilitating seamless digital interactions from anywhere around the globe. Local businesses can expand their reach abroad to connect with a wider customer base.
App Supported Languages
Available Markets
Smart-ID Technology
Iceland – Audkenni app
India – Jio SecureID app

Protected confidential data with proven PKI infrastructure.
Smart-ID is built on reliable Split Key technology, which securely divides the private key into two parts. One part is stored on the user’s device while the other is kept on the server. This approach ensures that the complete private key is never exposed, significantly reducing the risk of key theft. It safeguards confidential data and provides users and systems with unique identities. This way, the user solely controls all transactions.
Smart-ID provides the highest level of security, complying with European regulations and industry standards:

SK ID Solutions is certified according to eIDAS and has been listed on the European Trust List as a Qualified Trust Service Provider. The Smart-ID solution is also an eIDAS-certified Qualified Electronic Signature Creation Device (QSCD).

Smart-ID fulfils the highest security requirements of eIDAS for electronic identity and provides electronic identity mean and authentication service on the assurance level “high”.

The Information Security Management System of SK is certified according to the international security standard ISO/IEC 27001. This certification demonstrates that the organization has implemented effective information security controls and is committed to managing cyber and information security risks.

Our services meet industry standards created by the ETSI standardization organization and participate in the standardization process.
SK ID Solutions takes privacy and personal data protection seriously, processing personal data according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant implementation acts.
The Smart-ID solution is used in the banking sector as a strong authentication method and is compliant with the PSD2 directive, which regulates payment services and payment service providers throughout the European Union (EU), and with respective guidelines of the European Banking Authority (EBA).
SK ID Solutions complies with the NIS2 directive and its implementation acts on national and EU levels, specifying cybersecurity requirements for services and sectors essential for society and the economy.
Our solutions support anti-money laundering (AML) law requirements, which consist of policies and practices to ensure that financial institutions and other regulated entities prevent financial crime.
Our solutions support the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), a regulation that creates a binding, comprehensive information and communication technology (ICT) risk management framework for the EU financial sector.